Friday, June 15, 2012

Monday, April 16, 2012


LaRue Harriet Vail
Born 1/22/30

They Fell in Love Young

And they got Married

She had a family

And she saw the WORLD

She developed her talents which seemed to be endless


She was a Concert Pianist

Created a Beautiful Garden

Could sew anything perfectly

She loved her husband and family 

They made it to their 60 Year Anniversary

A Great Example of How to Live Life to the Fullest!

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Portrait Lighting

Artistic Rembrandt







Artistic Rembrandt

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Eric Meola

Growing up in Syracuse, Meola was pressured by his family to study medicine.  One of his father's patients introduced the teenage Meola to his darkroom and he was smitten.  Meola said, "As soon as I saw that first print come up in the developer, I knew it was what I wanted to do."  
At Syracuse University Eric Meola majored in English and studied color theory and color printing.  His humanities training lead to his desire to tell stories with images.
His first big project was with TIme magazine.  Following this Time magazine Meloa got a deal with Porshe-Audi without a single shot of a car to his credit.  In 1972 Time sent Meloa to Haiti where he shot "coca-kid".


Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Grandpa & Gabe
ISO 2000 Canon70mm f5.0 1/100sec

ISO 2000 Canon 38mm f/4.0 1/100sec

Four Generations
ISO 2000 Canon 47mm f/4.0 1/100sec

Natural Light
ISO 5000 50mm f/1.8 1/6000sec

Natural Light
ISO 5000 50mm f/1.8 1/2500sec

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Self Portrait

Self Portrait ISO 2500 f/1.8 1/1000 sec
Canon 50mm 1.4USM

Self Portrait  ISO 2500 f/1.8 1/1000 sec
Canon 50mm 1.4USM

Self Portrait ISO 100 f/1.8 1/4 sec.
Canon 50mm 1.4USM